I started playing guitar at the age of 12, and I've been playing ever since. After five years of experience, I've learned a couple things about the lifelong friends known as guitars.

If you know anything about guitars, you can skip this paragraph. If not, read on and learn, friend! I will give you a quick introduction into what these wonderful instruments are. Guitars are standardly six stringed chordophones, which means they make sound by vibrating chords, or strings. There are two main types of guitars, but I will focus on the electric variation, the other being acoustic. There are many components in an electric guitar. For starters, there are normally multiple types of wood used to form the body, the neck, and the head. Sometimes there are even multiple woods used only in the body itself.

Above is a picture of me, holding my third, and favorite guitar, Merideth. This is an Ovation guitar, they have a very specific look and feel to them. Instead of the usual one hole, for resonation, these guitars have multiple holes. Interestingly enough, the full area of space in one hole guitars is exactly equal to the area of space given by the multiple holes in an ovation. Although, because of the placement of the holes, Ovation guitars have a less full, robust tone, but instead, are slightly more timid in their sonic approach. I love this guitar, partly for it's unique tone, but also for its ability to plug in to any sound system or amplifier, because it is an electric-acoustic guitar. So now, more people can hear Merideth!